Then later there was a drum circle and who decided to go down into the street and shake her booty and break it down with them? My very own 2 and half year old daughter Emily. Yes she had a crowd around her and she was loving it! I was a very proud mama.
There was one vendor that stood out to me mainly because she was the only one who made the kind of crafts that I would actually buy. Her business name is Becca Bee Designs and guess what? She has an etsy shop! I fell in love with her clothing and aprons and place mats and baby bibs and toys.

This is what my coffee table looks like when I'm in the creativity stage of my yo yo barrettes....ok maybe not this neat, but you get the idea. I match up what I want and stick a pin in it and move on to the next one until I run out of pins. I have to do this after my daughter falls asleep because she just blocks my brain as I'm sure every parent can attest to. So all I ahve to worry about is my cat thinking they're toys and jumping right in the middle of the table. She hasn't yet, but there is always that possibility.
I am working on a different kind of project that I'm getting excited about. I will post a picture as soon as my lazy butt decides to get it off my camera.
Take care!
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