
Friday, June 13, 2008

My First Post

June 13, 2008
This is my first post on my new blog and I am pretty excited!
I will use this post to introduce myself and stuff like that. Let's just get it out of the way shall we?
My name is Jessica and I love art. I am a very visual person and have always appreciated looking at things and making things to look at. I am a pencil artist at heart...

but I have ventured into the craft world with my obsession of yo yos as you can see from my online shop. Here's an example of what I make:

I am a mother of a 2 year old sweet and kooky little girl, Emily Belle

and I am expecting another one this Fall.
Baby's ultrasound at 16 weeks. Rubbing its belly, dancing to "My Baby Does the Hanky Panky"...I swear!

We live with the father of my babies and life is pretty...interesting to say the least.

I have a beautiful and funny mom who lives across the parking lot from us.

She's single! Eat your heart out.

She actually might be moving soon which she claims I am trying to hex...and so what if I am?? She is my sanity and I can't let her go that easily you know.
I have 4 other brothers and sisters, lots of cousins and nieces and nephews. A big family that keeps getting bigger!
So this one was all about me yes I know, but I want to showcase other cool and artsy things I find online and my process in making new things in future posts. Come back now ya hear?
Anyone can leave comments here so gab away!

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