
Monday, July 28, 2008

My New Projects

July 28, 2008

So I finally charged my camera batteries so I can post the pictures of what I've done so far with my nifty sewing machine. Everything came put pretty good I think. They were all made using tutorials I found online. All except the cylinder cup thingy. I just made that up as I went along.
So thee they are. I made some other pillows, but they're plain and boring. This is a quickie post so have a great day!


Monday, July 28, 2008
I have become obsessed with something new. Tutorials! You know those things where they tell you step by step how to do something and even show the work in progress pictures? Yes I am staring at a pile about an inch thick of these things printed out and no more black ink to show for it.
So I thought I would list some of the tutorials (mostly from other people's blogs) that caught my fancy and maybe inspire someone to try something new. I've done the diaper and wipes case, the fabric flower and... well I think that's it. But it's only been 2 days of collecting these and I fully intend to try each and every one of them.. if possible. Which reminds me I have to get my hands on some zippers and heat and bond stuff...
I will post any more that I find. I am also going to post pictures of my attempted finished projects following a tutorial. Right now my camera ate my batteries so I couldn't post any right now. They're charging as we speak.
Some of the links have even more tutorials if you look on the sidebars for a link.Have fun!

A List of Tutorials From The Domestic Diva
Diaper and Wipes Case
Thread Catcher
Easy Wallet
Hexagon Pincushion
A List of Tutorials from Whip Up
Ribbon Pillow
A List of Tutorials From JCaroline Creative
Little Boxy Pouch
Odd Oddity Dollmaker
A List of Tutorials From CraftStylish
Wonky Log Cabin Quilt
Simple Make-Up Bag
Fabric Flowers
Girls' Garden Party Apron
Ruffled Skirt
A List of Tutorials From Sew Mama Sew!
Quilted Wallet
Tissue Holder
How About Orange?
Grocery Bag Dispenser

Friday, July 25, 2008

Me and Mr. Bob & Mini Pincushions

July 25, 2008
I am truly too tired and worn out to even be writing this right now so please stay with me while I punch out these words. I simply had to write a post tonite because just today I got myself a sewing machine! Not just a new one, but my very first one ever in life. It is strictly a beginner machine. I mean it only cost $40 and I can literally carry it in one hand. It only does straight lines and I love it :)
It is perfect for me right now because it's not overwhelming and allows me to experiment with new and exciting projects I've been wanting to try! And look at what I made in only... ummm an hour?

I forgot to look a the time, but it felt like an hour. (It's the same pillow, reverse sides.) I won't be selling this one since I found some mistakes, but I never give away or sell any new first project that I finished. Call it a good luck charm.
Speaking of new projects I found this tutorial on Craftstylish.com for cute little tiny pin cushions using plastic bottle caps. I made my own variations of it.

Cute right? That site has many other tutorials which is a great resource if you ever get bored of whatever you're into and want a break to try something new. I'm not sure if I'll continue to do more of these mini pin cushions since I have my new best friend Mr. Bob...yes I just named my new mini sewing machine.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Fabric Buttons and...Link Exchange Anyone?

July 17, 2008
I just found about this wonderful idea called a link exchange. Yes I know I'm Jessica Come Lately, but I love the idea. So if you come across my blog and think Hey! I would like to have my link on her page and maybe she might like to have one on mine? Well you would be right! Just send me an email with the text and link you want and I will add it to my blog list.
I would also like to add more affiliates to my page as well. So if you have a banner for your online shop send it to me and we can exchange banners!
I am looking for new ways to market my shop and blog and this way it's a win/win situation for everyone!

I can't leave this blog without mentioning my new favorite love...fabric covered buttons. Wal-Mart was having a clearance on these things so I picked up a few. They are so easy to make and come out looking for neat! I already made some into bobby pins and as a center to my new pin cushions. Yes I'm making pin cushions now!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

My First Etsy Sale! And Other Stuff

July 1, 2008
So I made my first Etsy.com sale today! Of course it was my cousin, but hey a sale is a sale right? and she bought two items! I am so excited :D It just gets me revved up to make more things and keep going with promoting and marketing my site. So thanks Xiara! Love ya babe ;)

In other etsy news I have been busy joining all kinds of sites and groups and trying to get my link out there. You can see some of the sites I've joined to the left. I also joined some Flickr groups which let you post your photos for members to see and they have forums where you can get alot of advice on selling and stuff so that's pretty cool.I've also been busy making more yoyos and putting them together. The picture above is actually an older picture to give an idea of what they look like before I decide which backing they will have. Hair ties, clips, bobby pins? Who knows? But, lately the fabrics I am using are brighter and cuter and more modern so I'm looking forward to seeing how they look when they're all done. I'll post them up soon. Right now I have a bunch in a box just pinned together so my next step is to sew it all together.
Oh! And I am also going to be getting a sewing machine this weekend! I am super excited about that! My mother has one and is paranoid about me using it...with good reason lol. Plus I want my own to learn with and then I can make the ideas that are floating around in my head like bags, purses, wallets, pillows, and oh so much more!