Hello! I am so happy today because I was featured on a fellow Etsian's blog today! It feels pretty good :)
So I was able to squeeze out a few pictures from my battery power sucking vampire of a camera to take pictures of my latest projects.
First of all my hot glue gun (which I somehow got from my mother) is huge and on the side says that the metal tip heats up to 380 degrees! Who in the craft world needs their glue gun THAT hot? When I apply a dot of glue to the back of a button there is actually smoke...honest. Long story short I have blisters and bandaids holding me together right now.
This is the barrette that caused my injuries. Was it worth it? Not sure about that yet...
On a more lighter and less blistery note I added a new "feature" to my blog. I listed all my favorite Etsy shops. This way they're all right there and I can also share what I like with all of you! You're very welcome :) If you like my shop and want to link to it I wouldn't mind at all! I am still interested in link and affiliates exchanges if anyone is interested.
It is now past due that I put my little munchkin to bed. She's sending me cues that she's ready by laying on the couch with her blankie. I'm so lucky she doesn't put up a fight. Great now I have to knock on wood...
Here is my little Emi Belle acting cute and knowing it.

It is now past due that I put my little munchkin to bed. She's sending me cues that she's ready by laying on the couch with her blankie. I'm so lucky she doesn't put up a fight. Great now I have to knock on wood...
Here is my little Emi Belle acting cute and knowing it.